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LECO - The Core Technology for our solutions

Our unique air sterilizing solutions use the patented LECO technology (Low Energy Cascade Oxidation) to remove both harmful pathogens like fungi and bacteria as well as VOCs like ethylene. Removing pathogens prevents cross-contamination and spread of mold and bacterial infections in fruit and vegetable storage spaces. Removing ethylene slows down the ripening process of the fresh produce, keeping them fresh and edible for longer.

LECO is an advanced photocatalytic oxidation process, which uses harmless visible light to activate a nanocatalyst that helps oxidize organic matter and convert it into trace amounts of CO2 and water vapor. It doesn’t emit any harmful byproducts, nor does it interfere with the natural state of the fresh produce, making it the safest technology in the world.

  • Germs kill rate: 99.9999% Log6 (Single Pass in 0.16 sec)
  • Zero Chemical use
  • Zero Ozone production
  • Low Energy Consumption (less than 53W) & Low Noise (less than 55dB)
  • Low Maintenance : Fan and LED bulb must be changed once every three years
  • Plug & Play : No Trained personnel required.
  • Affordable - Environment Friendly - Human Friendly

YAT Stand-alone Air Sterilizer+Ethylene remover

Our stand-alone device is meant for cold storage spaces up to 450 cu.m. in size. It is a compact plug-and-play device of 0.88mx0.28mx0.13m dimensions weighing just 13 kgs. The power consumption is as low as 53W.

YAT Duct-integrated Air sterilizer+Ethylene remover

Our duct-integrated device is meant for larger cold storage spaces between 450 cu.m. to 3000000 cu.m. in size. Custom-made and integrated into existing ducting systems, it is even lighter in weight since the local ducting system’s fan is used.

YAT All-inclusive Portable Storage Modules

Our main solution for India is the All-inclusive Portable Storage Modules. Useful especially for on-site storage for farmers, at the first-mile cooling stage, we refurbish used sea-freight containers/assembled containers into portable storage systems.

  • The storage system is all-inclusive with temperature and humidity control, carbon dioxide-oxygen ratio control, as well as removal of ethylene gas and air-borne microorganisms using the LECO technology.
  • Module) can be rented/bought through an app. Use of AI in the app makes it handle all the product-specific settings for the modules, giving the users an easy interface, without the need of any technical know-how.
  • The app will also allow for neighborhood storage owners and farmers’ associations to arrange pay-per-use accounting and space availability mapping. Communication and cooperation between farmers on the app can reduce risk of overproduction.
  • The modules can be powered with solar energy. Emissions only from refrigeration. No other environmental impact